Call Forwarding

Divert calls to another number when you're busy.


New customers

Calls will automatically forwarded to your voice mail (+420602999999) if:

  • you have no signal
  • your telephone is switched off
  • you do not answer a call within 30 seconds
  • you are talking on the phone

You can choose to have your calls forwarded to a different number.

Current customers

You can activate, deactivate, or cancel the call forwarding service as needed. Options for call forwarding can usually be found in your phone's menu under " Network Services" or "Phone Settings (Call Settings) - Diverting." Individual phones may differ so please use your phone manual for instructions.

Who pays for what?

In case of conditional forwarding of a call to a different number, the fee for the forwarded call is paid by the customer, whose phone number has been forwarded, not the caller, whose call has been forwarded.

The original caller only pays for calling the number, that has been forwarded. The call from this number to the final end-user is paid by the person, who had the call forwarded. Each user pays fees for calls based on their tariff.

  • If the call is forwarded in the Czech Republic – i.e. if you forward your phone number somewhere else, you share the costs of the forwarded call with the person who calls you. The person, who calls you, pays the same fee, as if they called you. And you pay the fee for the call from your number to the number where your call is forwarded. The number that the caller reaches does not pay anything.
  • Immediate forwarding in roaming – the same principle applies as with calls forwarded in the Czech Republic. And you pay for the call to the number, where the call is forwarded, i.e. as if you called from the Czech Republic to a number, where you had the call forwarded.
  • Conditional forwarding in roaming – it happens when a call is forwarded, e.g. if you don’t accept it, your line is busy, etc. If that’s the case, you pay for the incoming call even if the caller didn’t reach you. You pay the same fee for the call as for a call from abroad.

Detailed information

Codes and instructions

An explanation of the following terms can be found at the bottom of this page.

Don't want to answer a call - CODE 61

Activate: Type the following code: **61*[telephone_number]**time# or **61*[telephone_number*service number**time # then press ENTER (the call button)

Deactivate: Type the following code: ##61# then press ENTER

Status check: Type the following code: *#61# then press ENTER

No signal or switched-off phone - CODE 62

Activate: Type the following code: **62*[telephone_number]# or **62*[telephone_number]*service number# then press ENTER (the call button)

Deactivate: Type the following code: ##62# then press ENTER

Status check: Type the following code: *#62# then press ENTER

To forward all incoming calls - CODE 21

Your telephone will not ring at all…

Activate: Type the following code: **21*[telephone_number]# or **21*[telephone_number]*service number # then press ENTER (the call button)

Deactivate: Type the following code: ##21# then press ENTER

Status check: Type the following code: *#21# then press ENTER

Engaged line - CODE 67

Activate: Type the following code: **67*[telephone_number]# or **67*[telephone_number]*service number # then press ENTER (the call button)

Deactivate: Type the following code: ##67# then press ENTER

Status check: Type the following code: *#67# then press ENTER

To terminate all types of call forwarding

Type the following code: ##002# then press ENTER (the call button)

Forwarding of data services and faxes

Besides calls it is also possible to forward fax and data services – you just need to add the number of the service you wish to forward after the asterisk of the code that you send out. If you do not specify the service number, you can also leave out the * before it. If that’s the case you will only pay for forwarding of calls (voice services). It is not possible to forward text and MMS messages.

All fax calls can be forwarded using the code **21[phone number]*13# (send). You can cancel the forwarding by entering ##21#*13# (send).

Service numbers
All services 10
Voice services 11
Data services 12
Fax services 13
Data and fax services 25

Pricing information

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