Process of negotiation of contract by O2

Conditions of the contract negotiation

Our model for relationships with our suppliers and other partners is based on transparency in negotiations, objectivity in business decision making and equality of opportunity. The following conditions are kept by our company for each contract negotiation:

  1. We choose carefully
    O2 Czech Republic a.s. usually negotiates with more than one partner and always chooses the best and the most advantageous solution.
  2. We evaluate continuously
    During pre-contractual negotiations O2 Czech Republic a.s. continuously evaluates conditions of the negotiated contract and parameters of intended performance and reserves the right to change evaluation of conditions and parameters in reaction to its business and operational needs and market development.
  3. We do not choose prematurely
    O2 Czech Republic a.s. expresses its interest to conclude the contract when get acquaintance with all legal and factual circumstances necessary for a decision to conclude whether the contract.
  4. Even a detail substantial may be
    The only whole and complete content of any potential contract is crucial for O2 Czech Republic a.s. Even one single parameter or condition where the parties could not reach an agreement may be the reason for not concluding the contract.
  5. Reservation of termination of negotiations
    Pursuant to the aforesaid the contractual negotiation or contract amendments may be terminated at any time prior to the conclusion of the contract.
  6. Each party bear its costs of negotiation
    Each party incurs and bears its own costs usually associated with contract negotiations.
  7. Do not incur costs in advance
    Please, until the contract is concluded, do not incur any costs made for performance of a contract subject of intended or its preparation. If dry incurring of costs is required by the circumstances, each party shall probably sufficiently in advance and inform the other party about an underage reason of droughts and costs, in order to prevent application of futile expenses. Other costs are not predictable for O2 Czech Republic a.s. and therefore can not be taken into consideration.
  8. Risk must be defined
    If parties suffer damage as a result of non-conclusion of the contract, they are obliged to communicate each other the maximum amount of potential compensation for damage. Other claims are not predictable for O2 Czech Republic a.s. and therefore can not be taken into consideration.
  9. Contracts are concluded only by authorized persons
    Contracts are concluded on behalf of O2 Czech Republic a.s. by statutory lobbyists or authorized person on the basis of written authorization.
  10. Contracts on a future contract only in writing
    Contracts on a future contract are concluded solely by O2 Czech Republic a.s. in a written form, self-signed or signed by means of an advanced electronic signature.

O2 Czech Republic a.s.